
i, too, can squirt tears from my vagina.

from my letter to blog uberlords:

I am a member of two blogs: "The Jerk Store" and "The Poker Tome." This is great. But I am also the FOUNDER of The Poker Tome. As a friendly gesture to get more bloggers involved, I invited my 'friends' to be administrators as well. Unfortunately, I misjudged the character of one of these 'friends,' and he decided to revoke everyone's admin privledges save his own. He then changed the name of the blog to it's current crass and desultory title. I assumed I would have super-user rights as the creator of the blog, but I assumed wrongly. Is there anything that can be done to restore my peaceful, innocent blog to its rightful owner? It was supposed to be about poker and poker strategies, but it has turned into a fallow wasteland of craven insults and dunderheaded profanity.


Nice new color scheme.

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