a MOTIONE is placed before the COUNCILE of GAMBLELING AFFAIRES, stating that the tyme of COMMENCEMENT should be adjusted to 7 o'clocke on Tuesdeay eve to reflecte the certain difficulties of STARTING PROMPTLY.
I have brought thif matter before my constituencie and wee believe it unlikely that a CHANGE OF HOURE will bee properly communicated to the ENTIRE ASSEMBLY in the fpace of NINE HOURF; to wit, many of uf fhall fit waiting in Feefer's living room reading magazinef of ILL REPUTE insteade of engaging in PROPER PLAY.
Here, here!
Fine with me. I'm home from 2:00 after, so anytime after that people want to show up is fine with me.
fuck off.
i mean, good. we should let everyone know.
I have brought thif matter before my constituencie and wee believe it unlikely that a CHANGE OF HOURE will bee properly communicated to the ENTIRE ASSEMBLY in the fpace of NINE HOURF; to wit, many of uf fhall fit waiting in Feefer's living room reading magazinef of ILL REPUTE insteade of engaging in PROPER PLAY.
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